General information:
Our horses, mares and geldings, are all year round in Offenstall in 2 herd associations always outside with shelters. They are fed 4 times a day in a very rough-fodder-oriented manner and receive concentrated feed according to race, energy and work performance. The horses can always move freely within the herd.
We ride in comfortable Westernsätten and bitless bridle (European Hackamore). A very mild bridle.
We always ride without spurs, whips, binders and reins.
The rides lead almost all to the Corona Forestal - the protected natural park in the north of Tenerife.
Riding in the hinterland and in the woods of Tenerife always means mountain riding with much uphill and downhill. We help the horses with the descents and lead them in the steep parts on foot downhill.
We have a weight limit of 92 kg. If you bring a little more weight please talk to us.
The rides always include a meeting, horse distribution, instruction, explanation and rehearsal in advance.
We have riding helmets, saddlebags and riding gloves for free hire.
Please bring:
Solid shoes, comfortable trousers, sweater and / or jacket (depending on the season), rain jacket (in winter), drinking bottle (please no hard aluminum bottles, better small soft plastic bottles 0.5 liters), a bite to eat or a picnic for the larger rides ,
We have a comprehensive insurance in the form of a liability insurance and an additional accident insurance for horseback riding. Please note that in Spain there is no free choice of doctor and the insurances always assign a doctor or hospital.
There are many holiday homes, hotels, apartments and fincas in the immediate vicinity. We are happy to help with the placement and the contact.